Our Story

/ Wednesday, September 7, 2011 /
It all started nearly 4 years ago. He was beginning his professional career in a new city. She was in town visiting mutual friends who believed they had found the perfect guy for her; it wasn’t him. The night before the arranged “set-up” was to happen, the two of them met while having dinner with their mutual friends. It was nothing more than a chance meeting, two people in the same place at the same time. Who could have guessed that she would in fact meet the man of her dreams on that trip, albeit not the one everyone had planned on? Who would have guessed they both would experience that proverbial spark when their eyes first met as she sat down at their table? Who would have guessed that they each would spend that dinner stealing glances at the stranger sitting across from them and wondering to themselves, just who is this? The truth is, no one would have guessed it. Not even the two fated strangers sitting at that table.
Nearly two years passed after that first chance meeting without even the slightest contact between them. It wasn’t until their second chance meeting that the pieces of their puzzle began to fall into place. It wasn’t until he accidentally stumbled into the Skype conversation between her and his cousin that their story really begins. It took that awkward Skype hello to remind him of the spark he’d felt years ago. With his curiosity beginning to build, he returned to his home and did some searching. Finally, after building his courage he took the plunge and made his move, a Facebook friend invite. What started as an innocent hello between old acquaintances soon evolved into page after page, chapter after chapter of email correspondence. It was like nothing either had ever experienced. One day, on a whim, he booked a plane ticket to visit her. As the day drew near, both grew nervous with anticipation. An online relationship is one thing, where imagination and hope can fill in any gaps. An in person relationship is entirely different. Still, without hesitation, he boarded his flight. From the moment they first embraced in the baggage claim of Seattle airport they have been a perfect couple, complimenting each other in a way neither ever expected to find.
They sailed through ten months of a Vancouver, Canada / Dayton, Ohio long distance relationship until she was offered a job in his home town. It was in the first ten weeks of this second phase of their relationship that the idea for this blog began to maturate. Their individual love of food and cooking blossomed when they shared this love together.

We love to cook and spend time with friends and family and enjoy life. We are excited to share our experiences, both in and out of the kitchen, with others. We look forward to having you join us in this adventure.


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