Cats. Crooners. Cook. A Title Explained.

/ Wednesday, September 7, 2011 /
We realize that to anyone who doesn’t spend 5 hours a day with us may have a hard time deciphering exactly how these seemingly independent things managed to come together in the title of our blog. Well, truth be told, Cats. Crooners. Cook. was probably the 17th option we discussed for a title. Dawn and I weren’t entirely up to speed on just how vast the blogosphere actually is. We assumed that we had a pretty original idea when we decided to run with the whole blogging couple discussing, among other things, our love of food and life. Turns out we’re getting into the game about 5 years too late to have a real shot at any of our favorite blog titles. Our favorite, and one that earned me a big kiss for thinking up, was Table for Two, but it turns out Table for Two is already the name of a dating site, a couples cookbook, and a Sydney based blog about, you guessed it, food, lifestyle, and travel…  Congrats to Billy Law and his blog. While we were disappointed to have our first hope and dream dashed, Billy’s blog is actually quite amazing, unlike the blog that stole our second choice of name, A Dash of Love. The lovely blogger who stole our second name managed all of 1 post… in 2009, before hanging up her blogging boots. Not cool my friend, not cool. Needless to say, Dawn and I spent the next few hours frustrated and dejected racking our brains for something fun and original. In the end we simply went with three words that describe what happens in my house when Dawn and I cook.

Cats. I have 2 cats, Lucy and Gaby (short for Lucifer and Gabriel, and yes their names match their personalities) who can’t stand to be out of eye sight. When we’re cooking they’re always milling about at our feet meowing, imploring us to pay less attention to the food and more attention to them. Gaby is famous for her falls. I know right? Cats are known for their grace, not their falls, but Gaby loves to have her belly scratched and any time she senses that a belly scratch is near she makes sure her belly is easily accessible by flopping to the ground and rolling onto her back.
Crooners. I have always loved music. I don’t have a favorite band, or even genre. I listen to all sorts all the time. At the beginning of our relationship, before we began using Skype, Dawn and I would email, literally writing books back and forth (and I mean literally. Dawn made an actual book of all our emails for my birthday present last year.) During one of those early emails I told her that whenever I cooked I listened to music. And not only that, but I had a playlist on my ipod dedicated solely to cooking. She loved the idea so I introduced her to my playlist the next time she was in town. Ever since, whenever we cook we have music blasting through the house. We listen to all sorts of music, but as stated in the title, we can often be found cooking to the classic Las Vegas style crooners such as Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis, Jr., but we also love music that portrays images of the places our food originates. Salsa, Italian, French, Greek and Cajun are some of our favorites. No meal is complete without the proper musical accompaniment.
Cook. This one is pretty self-explanatory. We love to cook!


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