We're Back!!

/ Sunday, February 12, 2012 /

My first inclination is to apologize for our prolonged absence, but the Maine lobsterman in me says screw that. We have no reason to apologize. We will, however, happily share an explanation for why we’ve been absent. We think you’ll forgive us. On December 19, 2011 Dawn and I got engaged! I’ll let Dawn share some of the specifics of the engagement at a later point, but between our Christmas and New Year’s trip to California, my studying for the LSAT, and Dawn and I trying to get our wedding planning on course, we simply haven’t had much free time. The little time we have had has been dedicated to other ventures besides cooking. We’ve missed our contributions to Cats. Crooners. Cook. We’ve missed posting reading material for our friends and family members to read in the wee morning hours during baby feedings. We’ve missed the excitement of finding out someone from a new country has found our blog. But we’re back baby! We have a whole new pantry full of an assortment of new cooking tools acquired over Christmas, and we’re excited to break them all in. We look forward to a new year of tasty treats and fantastic food. Stay tuned, we’ll have a few new recipes posted shortly. 


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